Friday, May 6, 2011

Final Project

Here are a few screen shots of my final project.
This is my 2-page spread for my Arkansas Agriculture Magazine.

This is my Cover page for my Magazine

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lesson 17

Here is my lesson 17 assignment that never got published on my blog

This brochure is a trifold 3-color brochure that was used as a mail-out informational brochure. This is a pretty basic brochure with just 3 colors black, white, and blue. There is more type than graphics on the brochure because it is more of an informational brochure then it is a promotional brochure. It was an invitation to a seminar and therefore included information on what would be included in the seminar. It could be improved by maybe adding a few graphics to make the seminar seem more appealing rather than a boring seminar.  Overall the design looks nice just could use some more excitement so people wouldn’t automatically think that it was junk mail.

Tutorials to help with final project

Here are some tutorials that may help you in completing your final project and bonus electronic portfolio:

How to make a table on Contents on InDesign

Create a Book File

All About Pages and Spreads

How to Crete a Multi-page spread

How to Create your own electronic portfolio :)

Hope this tutorials can help some other folks out!! Now let's enjoy our last day of Graphics!

Excel Project

Here is a Screen shot of my Excel client sheet for assignment 19
I made a very simple Quote sheet and used simple multiplication and addition formulas to calculate costs.

Composite InDesign Project

Here is a screen shot of my InDesign compostie brochure. I did a brochure for Arkansas Agritourism that would help promote the agritourism industry in Arkansas. It could be placed at farmers' markets, visitor centers and travel stops.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Lesson 16 Ad Reflection

Ad for Stockholms Hundforum (Daytime dog care)

This is a humorous advertisement for a daytime dog care company. Its tagline is "What's your dog up to when it's home alone?" The ad portrays a dog doing a "bad" thing and makes dog owners think what bad thing could my dog be doing while I am gone, could my dog be messing up the furniture, attacking the fridge, or many other "bad" things. The ad personifies the dog in a funny way. The eyes are automatically directed to the dog in the middle of the ad and what he is looking at on the computer. It is effective in making dog owners think about leaving their dog home alone because of the bad things it could be doing. I would make the logo and tagline a little larger in this ad. Overall the design is very effective and funny. The ad would make me stop and look if I was flipping though a magazine because it is so unique. This would be an image/lifestyle advertisement, it is directed towards people that own dogs.